Chenin Blanc
The Chenin Blanc grape
The taste of the wine obtained is fresh with notes of grass and green apples and resembles Sauvignon Blanc. The Chenin Blanc contains relatively many acids, which gives it strength and can therefore mature for several years.
The Chenin Blanc is versatile and is mainly found in the Lioredal and also in South Africa (called 'Steen' there). It is said that...
The Chenin Blanc grape
The taste of the wine obtained is fresh with notes of grass and green apples and resembles Sauvignon Blanc. The Chenin Blanc contains relatively many acids, which gives it strength and can therefore mature for several years.
The Chenin Blanc is versatile and is mainly found in the Lioredal and also in South Africa (called 'Steen' there). It is said that the grape was used in South Africa for brandy. Today, wines made from chenin blanc have concentrated finesse.
What does a chenin blanc wine taste like?
A particularly identifiable grape based on aroma and palate, Chenin Blanc is often known for its notes of honey and straw. Wines are also often described as having a perceptible minerality, as well as a palate that is rich in stone-fruit flavors. Other fruits that are often prominent on the nose and palate include green apple, guava, pear and quince.
The Chenin Blanc grape
The taste of the wine obtained is fresh with notes of grass and green apples and resembles Sauvignon Blanc. The Chenin Blanc contains relatively many acids, which gives it strength and can therefore mature for several years.
The Chenin Blanc is versatile and is mainly found in the Lioredal and also in South Africa (called 'Steen' there). It is said that the grape was used in South Africa for brandy. Today, wines made from chenin blanc have concentrated finesse.
What does a chenin blanc wine taste like?
A particularly identifiable grape based on aroma and palate, Chenin Blanc is often known for its notes of honey and straw. Wines are also often described as having a perceptible minerality, as well as a palate that is rich in stone-fruit flavors. Other fruits that are often prominent on the nose and palate include green apple, guava, pear and quince.