DropStop® Grandcruwijnen - 4 stuks

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Type Accessories | Gift wrapping |
No more spilling with the Grandcru wines DropStop! A practical and indispensable accessory for your wine bottle, but also good to use with Balsamic or Olive Oil! The DropStop® consists of 7 layers of foil, so it can be used endlessly. Just rinse it under the tap and it's ready to use next time. Insert the Dropstop into the neck of the bottle so that it protrudes about 2.5 cm. This creates a perfect pouring spout that prevents dripping.
This is original from DropStop® - so the Grandcru among the Dropstoppers, so hygienically produced and packed in cellophane.
The Grandcru Wines DropStop® is easy to use:
- Roll up the disc
- Slide the disc into the bottle neck, letting about half stick out of the bottle
- Pour the wine without spilling a single drop
- After use, clean the disc under the tap and dry it
- Save it for the next time you feel like a glass of wine
- The drop stop is also excellent to use for olive oil or (balsamic) vinegar
Type Accessories | Gift wrapping |