Riedel Vinum Witte Wijn Glazen

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Promotion | On Sale |
Brand | Riedel |
Type Accessories | Glassware |
Riedel was the first in the long history of the glass to design its shape according to the character of the wine. The Vinum series is regarded as Riedel's multi-purpose glasses and are among the best-selling glasses in the Riedel range. The Riedel glasses from the Vinum series were introduced in 1986 and were the first machine-made wine glasses based on the characteristics of a specific grape variety. Riedel Vinum was not just designed on a drawing board, but in workshops where the wine was tasted. Enjoying a good wine starts with the right wine glass. Riedel Vinum wine glasses are made of lead crystal and are machine-blown in Bavaria, Germany. All Riedel Vinum wine glasses are also dishwasher safe. The glasses are packed per 2 (the price is also for 2 glasses) and will be shipped insured. The Vinum white wine is the general glass for non-wood-aged white wines such as Viognier, Chardonnay, Godello and Verdejo. The glass is 198mm high and has a capacity of 350cm3.
Promotion | On Sale |
Brand | Riedel |
Type Accessories | Glassware |