Does Grandcruwijnen deliver to countries outside the EU?

Yes, Grandcruwijnen also delivers to countries outside the EU, such as the UK and Switzerland! If you have created an account (so the system knows where to bill to), you will see the prices excluding VAT and duty. If you have no account, the system will do this calculation real-time in the checkout page — this means you are not paying the Dutch VAT, and we have already embedded the cost of making up the export papers into the shipping cost.

After you have finalized the order and done the payment, we will prepare the order and make the Export papers. We will do a final check if everything is permitted (for instance, hard liquors are not allowed, but there are also country specifics like sparkling wines not being allowed for Switzerland). If we need to adjust, we will correct the order and return the payment of the items who cannot get sent, all within 1–2 working days.

After the order has been shipped to the respective country, the entry-port will make a calculation on the to be paid VAT and duty. You will receive an SMS or email with a payment link to pay the additional taxes. When this is done, the final delivery happens.


Please note:

  • Total lead time is also dependent on how fast you will do the payment of the taxes. We ship on a daily basis.
  • Your payment to us does not include the Dutch taxes (VAT and duty) and this is done in your respective country. 
  • Please leave your mobile phone number very accurate in the checkout. You will receive an SMS message from DHL that your package will be delivered to the final address once the payment of taxes has been done.
  • If you don't make the payment for the local taxes, the product will return to us, and we will pay back the order amount deducted with the shipping costs we have made plus the administration cost for making up the export papers and custom taxes (15 euros per order).


Grandcruwijnen also delivers to countries outside of the European Union. We use DHL for the shipments. The rates include:

  • Generation of the export papers of your shipment 
  • Custom taxes and DHL cost for determining the VAT and duty
  • Shipping fee determined by weight of the package


Shipping costs for delivery to a non-EU country


Country/weight of parcel 0 kg–1.5 kg 1.5 kg–4.5 kg 4.5 kg–9 kg 9 kg–13.5 kg 13.5 kg–18 kg 18 kg–27 kg 27 kg–36 kg 36 kg–54 kg 54 kg–69 kg max. amount of bottles orderable
Great Britain €34.95 €34.95 €41.95 €52.95 €62.95 €88.95 €120.95 €191.95 €250.95 ca. 46
Switzerland €37.95 €37.95 €48.95 €66.95 €81.95 €140.95 €195.95 €294.95 €376.95 ca. 46
Norway €37.95 €37.95 €48.95 €66.95 €81.95 €140.95 €195.95 €294.95 €376.95 ca. 46


After you have paid the price of your order excluding VAT, the payment of duty and VAT is done seperately. You will receive a text message or email from DHL requesting this tax payment.