Herdade do Sobroso
Herdade do Sobroso is located in Vidigueira in the Alentejo region. This is one of the oldest wine producing regions in Portugal with reports of wine being made here since before the Roman occupation of the Iberia Peninsula. Furthermore, Herdade do Sobroso as a perfect location with its vineyards located on the banks of the Guadiana river.
Herdade do Sobroso is located in Vidigueira in the Alentejo region. This is one of the oldest wine producing regions in Portugal with reports of wine being made here since before the Roman occupation of the Iberia Peninsula. Furthermore, Herdade do Sobroso as a perfect location with its vineyards located on the banks of the Guadiana river.
Its location between the river on the south and the hills on the north make the perfect conditions for the ripening of the grapes.Also, besides being inland, this region is the single one in Alentejo with the influence of the coastal weather which provides for cool summer nights thus providing for great thermal amplitudes which improve the ripening. With its 1600 hectares, Herdade do Sobroso is a landmark of the region.
It's 60 hectares of vineyard, the Luxury Wine Hotel and abundant wildlife make it a mandatory passage point. In its premises is possible to stay hosted at the hotel while visiting the winery and having wine tastings as well as visiting the estate premises on the search of the local wildlife. Perfect for the amateurs in search of the wild boars and deer as well as the more curious birdwatchers.Producing wine since 2006, Herdade do Sobroso soon established its reputation of making singular, terroir respecting wines that conquer admirers all over the world. Using local varieties such as Trincadeira, Aragonez, Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Antão Vaz, Alvarinho, together with French varietals such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Alicante Bouschet and Petit Verdot.
Herdade do Sobroso is managing the vineyard according to the Sustainability principals, respecting the autochthonous fauna and flora, while the winemaking process is non-interventionist to respect the terroir.